2022 Ranking of the Best Secondary Schools in Saint Lucia

1. St. Mary’s College

Saint Mary’s College is an all-male Catholic secondary school located at Vigie, Saint Lucia in the Caribbean.

2022 best schools Saint Lucia


The school is the only St. Lucian secondary school to have produced a Nobel Laureate, producing the island’s two Nobel laureates: Sir William Arthur Lewis and Derek Alton Walcott. The jurist and politician Sir Vincent Floissac was also a pupil at the School, as was the former Prime Minister of St. Lucia (Sir John George Melvin Compton) and St.Lucia’s former Ambassador to the United Nations (Honorable George William Odlum).

St.Mary’s College is recognised as the best of St.Lucia’s top secondary schools, performing well in all aspects of school life on the island. As of 2009 the school placed a close second to St. Joseph’s Convent in the Caribbean Examination Council Exams. Over the past few years the institution has produced the top national performers for the Caribbean Examinations Council CSEC examinations.

St. Mary’s College has produced top ranking projects in the National Science Fair, having won top prizes in recent years. The school won the inaugural Sagicor Visionaries Challenge in 2013. Also, the school has an active Young Leaders program having placed consistently in the top three for the past couple of years. Additionally, St. Mary’s boats a thriving drama club as well as choir and cadet corps.

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