Top 10 Most Richest and Influential People in Bahrain 2019

8. Abdul Rahman Jawahery

CEO of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co (GPIC)

Dr. Abdulrahman A. Rahman Hussain Jawahery has been the President at Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (B.S.C.) since January 1, 2011. An Engineer of repute and an Environmental Specialist, Dr. Jawahery has a proven track record since he has held top positions in local, regional and global organizations.

He is a prominent and influential figure in the Petrochemical Industry on a global scale. Dr. Jawahery has been President of International Fertilizer Industry Association since June 5, 2015.

Dr. Jawahery serves as a Director at Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA). He served as General Manager of Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (B.S.C.). Dr. Jawahery served as a Director at National Safety Council until September 29, 2017. He is a second-term member of the Parliament in the Kingdom of Bahrain, a board member of the National Oil & Gas Authority and founding member of the Bahrain Society for Transfer of Technology.