Top 10 Most Shocking Conspiracy That Ended Up Being True

1. Military Recruitment Through The Sports Industry

We all know the rundown of the beginning of an American football game. A big flag is brought out, and some girl starts singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.” It all seems second nature to Americans because they can’t remember a time when they weren’t sitting next to some middle-aged guy wearing his American flag-patterned cargo shorts or when small American flags weren’t being sold at every booth. Singing “The Star-Spangled Banner and displaying massive American flags is tradition before a big NFL game or really any big sports event. These massive patriotic acts were really funded by the Department of Defense.

The concept was to boost patriotism among the American public to increase enlistment in the military. In 2015, it was revealed that millions of dollars were being given to the NFL for displays of patriotism.[10] Before 2009, players weren’t required to be out on the field during “The Star-Spangled Banner.” But then, once the major sports companies saw money on the table, they decided that they would start a new tradition that would mark a signature moment in sports all over the country and throughout almost all popularized aspects of sports gatherings.