2021 Top 10 Best Elementary Schools in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The 2021 top 10 best elementary schools in Ottawa, Ontario Canada is once again unveiled by your favorite blog Top Most 10. This year ranking of elementary schools was compiled taking into consideration Fraser measured Indicators. The  indicators are measured from 10 to 1; the best school get the 10th score.

Education is very important in the world today. That is why it is important for parents to take their child(ren) to the best school. This article is more of a guide for parents living in Ottawa, in deciding which school is the best for their child(ren).

Here are the 2021 top 10 best Elementary Schools in Ottawa

Let’s countdown the top 10 best elementary schools in Ottawa, starting from number 10:

10. Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School

Our Lady of Fatima Elementary School is a catholic school located in Ottawa, ON, Canada. It is part of the Ottawa Catholic School Board.

The school engages in a lot of clubs and activities including sports. The school has a rating score of 7.3 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. The school ties at the eighth position with Mutchmor Public School in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 688th out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Address: 2135 Knightsbridge Road, Ottawa K2A 0R3

Email: OurLady.Fatima@ocsb.ca

Phone: 613-722-4075 Fax: 613-722-0

Website: http://olf.ocsb.ca

9. Mutchmor Public School

Mutchmor Public School is an elementary school in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It is located in The Glebe neighbourhood at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Lyon. It is run by the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

Mutchmor Street Public School, which was erected on December 23, 1895, is dedicated to John Mutchmor, military veteran of the War of 1812, an Upper Canada homesteader, and a farmer. Mutchmor Public School opened under the name Mutchmor Street Public School taking its name from the adjacent Mutchmor Street, which was later renamed Fifth Avenue.

The original portion of the school was built in 1895 making Mutchmor one of the oldest schools in Ottawa. Only two other schools built in Ottawa in the late nineteenth century remain, with nearby First Avenue Public School being one. Further additions were made to the school in 1911, 1920 and 2015. The building is officially designated as a heritage structure.

The school is home to over 500 students from junior kindergarten to grade six. Mutchmor is a French Immersion Centre. Students typically attend Glashan Public School for their middle school years and Glebe Collegiate Institute for their high school years.

In the 1990s Mutchmor was threatened with closure by the school board. Action by the local community ensured that Mutchmor stayed open, and enrollment is growing steadily. In 2005 Today’s Parent magazine named Mutchmor one of the top 40 schools in Canada, highlighting how the school ‘rose to the challenge’.

The school has a rating score of 7.3 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. The school ties at the eighth position with Broadviews Public School in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 688th out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Address: 185 Fifth Ave, Ottawa, ON K1S 2N1

Phone (613) 239-2267 Fax =(613) 239-2743

Email: mutchmorps@ocdsb.ca

8. Broadview Public School

The history of “Broadway Avenue” Public School (now known in the McKellar, Westboro, and Highland Park area as Broadview Public School) has been chronicled since the late 1800’s. Through two fires – 1916 and 1926 – and reconstructions, four additions (1946-47, 1949-51, 1953, and 1975) and a name change (1950), Broadview has become one of the larger school complexes in the city. Difficult as it may seem, over 1400 students attended Broadview in the mid 50’s.

Broadview plays a vital role in its community, establishing partnerships with local groups and providing a venue for varied activities. Most significantly, Broadview is a true neighbourhood school, with the vast majority of students walking to school.

The school has a rating score of 7.3 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. The school takes the eighth position in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 688th out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Address: 535 Dovercourt, Ottawa, ON K2A 3W3

Phone (613) 728-1721

Email: broadviewps@ocdsb.ca

7. Chapman Mills Elementary School

Chapman Mills Public School started its first year in September 2012 using temporary facilities at the old Parkwood Hills Elementary site. The new school opened its doors to students on March 19th, 2013.

The new school was formed to serve students formerly attending Barrhaven and Farley Mowat Public School who reside in a specific section of Barrhaven.

The curriculum delivers English and Early French Immersion instruction from junior kindergarten to grade 6.

Starting this year (2020) our graduates will be attending Longfields Davidson Heights school in September – which is located at 149 Berrigan Drive.

The school has a rating score of 7.7 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ties with Elgin Street Public School in the sixth position in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 449th out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Address: 260 Leamington Way, Nepean, ON K2J 3V1

Phone = (613) 823-3336

Email: chapmanmillsps@ocdsb.ca

6. Elgin Street Public School

Elgin Street Public School is a small, yet vibrant, community oriented, K-6 French Immersion school of approximately 285 amazing students and 37 committed, professional staff.

It is located in the heart of the city, minutes from city hall and Canada’s houses of parliament. This unique location allows for fulsome learning opportunities in and around the city such as trips to nearby museums, local middle and high schools, nearby universities, art museums, and local businesses among others.

The school offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and clubs to enrich the students’ learning experience.

The school is considered the sixth best with a rating score of 7.7 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ranks sixth in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 449th out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Address: 310 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1M4

Phone =(613) 239-2231

Email: elginstreetps@ocdsb.ca

5. Hopewell Avenue Public School

Hopewell Avenue Public School is a public elementary/middle school in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It teaches grades jk-8. With a student population of about 950, it is the second largest K-8 school in the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, after Broadview Public School.

The school was constructed in 1910. In 1982 the old building was expanded with a new section of approximately the same size.

In 2015 the emerald ash beetle destroyed more than half of the trees in both yards. Later that year the school started a campaign called Every Leaf Counts to raise $200,000 to raise money for a new yard.

The school is considered the fifth best with a rating score of 8 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ranks fifth in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 301st out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Phone: 613-239-2348

Website: https://hopewellaveps.ocdsb.ca/

Address:  17 Hopewell Ave, Ottawa, Ontario Canada

4. Rockcliffe Park Public School

Rockcliffe Park Public School (RPPS) is a public elementary school in the Rockcliffe Park neighbourhood of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The school was founded in 1922. The school is located in the centre of Ottawa’s wealthiest neighbourhood. Near the school are Ottawa’s two most prominent private schools, Elmwood School and Ashbury College, to which many students move after Rockcliffe.

Rockcliffe Park Public School has long educated the children of politicians and ambassadors. Perhaps the most prominent former students are Princess Beatrix and Princess Irene, who attended the school while the Dutch Royal Family was in exile during the Second World War.

Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s daughter attends the school, as did his son, the three sons of Pierre Trudeau, including the current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the children of John Turner. Actor Matthew Perry also attended the school.

The school is considered the forth best with a rating score of 8.2 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ranks fourth in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 228th out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Phone: 613-749-3992

Email: absenceRPPS@ocdsb.ca

Website: www.rockcliffeparkps.ocdsb.ca

Address: 350 Buena Vista Road Ottawa, Ontario, K1M 1C1 Canada

3. Devonshire Community Public School

Devonshire Community Public School is an elementary school in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). Devonshire Community Public School is a single stream Early French Immersion School. The school’s mission is to provide each child with the opportunity to achieve his or her potential and become fluent in a second language. It strives to develop in all its students, social responsibility, critical thinking skills, creativity, academic growth to meet established outcomes, and a life‐long love of learning.

The notions of family and community are highly valued at the school. The relatively small size of the school means that children feel a warm welcome there. Students, teachers, support staff, parents, School Council, and the community at large work together in promoting a true partnership that makes Devonshire Community Public School everything a school should be.

The school is considered the third best with a rating score of 8.3 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ranks third in this year’s best elementary schools in Ottawa and the 203rd out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Phone: 613-729-3169

Website: https://devonshireps.ocdsb.ca/

Address: 100 Breezehill Ave, Ottawa, Ontario,  ON K1Y 2H5, Canada

2. Elmdale Public School

Elmdale Public School is an OCDSB school located in an established residential neighborhood in Ottawa. It has served families in the community since it was built in 1928. Elmdale has a long tradition of active parent involvement. Parents enrich the learning environment by volunteering in classrooms, on School Council committees, in fundraising events and supporting extra curricular activities.

Students enjoy the many sports, music and clubs that are offered throughout the school year. The school is proud of its students’ academic achievements and continue to strive to improve the quality of our instruction through our school improvement initiatives.

Since September 2014, the school is an Early French Immersion Centre for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6. For the school year 2018-2019, its enrollment is approximately 515 students. The student population is served by a dedicated and professional staff of teachers, early childhood educators, educational assistants and support staff. This team demonstrates daily commitment to creating an inspiring educational experience for its students.

The school is considered the second best with a rating score of 8.9 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ranks second as the best elementary school in Ottawa and the 83rd out of 3037 elementary schools in the province of Ontario.

Phone: 613-728-4653

Website: www.elmdaleps.ocdsb.ca/

Email: elmdaleabsent@ocdsb.ca 

Address: 49 Iona Street, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA, K1Y 3L9

1. Ahlul Bayt Islamic School

Ahlul Bayt Islamic School is a private, non-profit elementary school on Ottawa, ON, Canada. The school has been in operational since 2002 and it is known for its private school discipline and good work ethics. It follows the Ontario Ministry of Education academic curriculum that starts at JK and covers Junior high school. It has high academic performance standards using ongoing academic monitoring and assessment via ministry and other standardized exams.

best Elementary schools in Ottawa

The school employs highly qualified, dedicated and caring teachers to provide continuous monitoring of student progress. With its Islamic environment, it promotes good morals and behavior. The school teaches French as a second language and uses native speakers of Arabic language to teach Arabic. It also teaches Islamic studies including Quran and Fiqh (Jurisprudence).

The school is considered the first with a rating score of 10 out of 10 in Frasier school ranking measured metrics. It ranks first as the best elementary school in Ottawa and also in the province of Ontario.

Phone: (613)-526-0774 Email: info@abischoool.com

Website: www.abischool.com

Address: 3025 Albion Road North, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 9V9, Canada