2022 Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Auckland, New Zealand

These are the top 10 best Auckland Secondary Schools by academic ranking for 2022. The ranking table is for only schools in Auckland, hence featuring Auckland colleges that are performing academically.

You should also note that every year, the rankings change based on the information available. You should always check back to get yourself updated with the latest list. If you are looking for the best schools in New Zealand, then you should check my previous article.

Here are 2022 Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Auckland

10. Auckland Grammar School

2022 Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Auckland, New Zealand

The Auckland Grammar School is a state single-gender school. The school runs both day and boarding. According to the records, Auckland Grammar School (AGS) is the third-largest of its kind in New Zealand.

Since this school is one of the largest there is, it is easy for the students to come out with flying colours. The school is one of the best when it comes to academic ranking too.

It was ranked seventh in the Crimson-QS Best New Zealand schools in 2019 for entrance into top-ranked universities. The Education Review Office (ERO) report commented the School ranks among the highest performing schools in New Zealand from the results in national and international examinations.

Address: Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland, 1023, New Zealand

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9. St Peter’s College (Auckland)

2022 Top 10 Best Secondary Schools in Auckland, New Zealand

St Peter’s College is a Catholic school for boys. This school is the oldest Catholic school in New Zealand with a history dating as far back as 1841. It is also one of the best Auckland secondary schools by academic ranking.

The school accepts both New Zealand and other nationals. St Peter’s College teaches the children in many different ways making them bring the best out of themselves.

Address: 23 Mountain Road, Grafton, Auckland, 1023, New Zealand