Top 10 Cities With Most Expensive Airport Taxi Fares In The World

#3 Sydney, Australia – $4.23 / km

expensive airport taxi fares

The third most expensive entry to the list, taxis coming to and from the Sydney International Airport, also called the Kingsford-Smith Airport, carry a standard rate of $4.23 per kilometer. While it is indeed a high price to pay for a taxi cab, the good news is that if you are going to the city, chances are you will only be paying more or less $34. The distance between the airport and Sydney’s city center is around 8 kilometers.

#2 Queenstown, New Zealand – $4.38 / km

expensive airport taxi fares

Queenstown, New Zealand is actually speckled with lots of public and private airports, many of the public airports serve as conduits for both international and domestic flights. That being said, the average taxi fare to and from Queensland is $4.38 per kilometer. Rates vary depending on your location and its distance to and from which airport you are going to.

#1 Christchurch, New Zealand – $4.50 / km

expensive airport taxi fares

And the most expensive airport taxi fare goes to Christchurch International Airport! Taxis going to and from the airport bear a standard rate of $4.50 per kilometer. The major international airport that services Christchurch and its neighboring cities, Christchurch International Airport is located just 12 kilometers away from the city center. That translates to a $54 taxi ride, still a big amount to most travelers.